Here’s how you benefit when you collaborate with businesses with a sound company culture

Euphoria Telecom, PABX phone system, cloud PABX, Yealink Phones

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Richard Branson famously said, “Create the kind of workplace and company culture that will attract great talent. If you hire brilliant people, they will make work feel more like play.”

At Euphoria, we tend to agree wholeheartedly. In this one quote, the visionary Mr Branson touched on three vital cornerstones of a strong company – it hires talented people, it treats those people well and as a result of this setup it’s people are able to do great work and rise to the top of their game.

This is exactly the type of environment we strive to create at Euphoria Telecom, but not only because it benefits our employees and boosts operational efficiency. We also do so because this kind of company culture directly benefits our clients. How so? Well, it’s pretty simple to be honest – happy, well-placed employees who have access to all the right tools to do their job in a safe, secure and stimulating environment offer our clients the best service there is.

When all this is in place, our employees are motivated to go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that every Euphoria client can count on seamless support throughout their journey with our company. And since unbeatable service delivery is one of our foremost business goals, investing in our people and their wellbeing has become somewhat of a no-brainer.

However, our positive company culture is not something that happened overnight – it took a fair amount of finetuning to get where we are now. Over the years, Euphoria management engaged directly with our employees to find the operational sweet spot that promotes productivity, but also allows our workforce to enjoy a healthy work-life balance. These days we are happy to say that our talent retention is better than ever and our team enjoys an environment in which they are encouraged and equipped to thrive.

What makes our company culture so special? Well, it’s a combination of factors that add to the bigger picture. We realise that good leadership can retain good staff, and that this is a management quality that surpasses any other job attribute. Euphoria’s family-like culture ensures staff are friendly and respectful towards each another and its leaders are seen as mentors rather than bosses.

Euphoria has a communal kitchen area and staff are encouraged to use this facility rather that eating at their workstations. We also arrange weekend getaways, picnics and lunches where our employees can bond and get to know each other better.

There is also a strong emphasis on loyalty and tradition. Our monthly internal newsletter is a motivational touchstone that we’ve introduced to share staff news, including achievements and sales figures for the month. It also serves to encourage employees with motivational quotes, highlights staff birthdays, celebrates birth announcements, weddings and engagements, and more.

In a bid to create a dynamic, innovative and creative work environment we promote freedom and innovation, and encourage our employees to share new ideas and develop as forward-thinkers. To this end, we often invite guest speakers to present motivational talks on topics like mentorship and personal growth.

If we sound proud, it’s because we are. Creating a happy workplace where people can perform to the best of their ability is a nice feeling. The fact that it also benefits our clients is the good-karma cherry on top. Next time you choose to partner with a service-delivery company, ask yourself this – are their employees happy? Do they have everything they need to do their jobs well? It could end up making all the difference in the type of service you receive.

By John Woollam (CEO, Euphoria Telecom)

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